Mini Boards Reviews for the National + Local Anesthesia + CSCE Dental Hygiene Boards Exams. Weekly Sample Questions at

(A). It is analgesic
(B). It is antipyretic
(C). It is anti-inflammatory
(D). All of the above
Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is an antipyretic (fever-reducing) and analgesic (pain-relieving) agent but it is not anti-inflammatory.
Analgesic agents can be divided into non-opioids and opioids in general. Non-opioids are again divided into:
- NSAIDs or NAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs): Antipyretic (fever-reducing), anti-inflammatory (inflammation-reducing), and analgesic (pain-relieving). Drugs in this class include aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), and naproxen (Aleve).
- Acetaminophen (Tylenol): Antipyretic and analgesic, but not anti-inflammatory.
One other important fact to know about acetaminophen is that the drug does not affect blood coagulation. For this reason, it is the drug of choice if the patient is on a blood thinner. Aspirin (as a NSAID) on the other hand is an anti-platelet agent (meaning that it “thins” the blood).
Answer: (C). It is anti-inflammatory
Now ask yourself: “Ok, I get the concept but how am I going to remember all of that when I see a question like this on the dental hygiene board exams (NBDHE, NDHCE)?” So I had to make a trick to remember. As you can see in the image, find the “NO” in acetamiNOphen and TyreNOl. This NO is about inflammation; those drugs do NOTHING for inflammation. If you know this, you can guess that other drugs such as ibuprofen, aspirin, and naproxen can reduce inflammation. I hope this helps to memorize an important concept in pharmacology for dental hygiene. Most students find pharmacology difficult. If you do not study this chapter properly, you will probably regret it because there is a good amount of questions about pharmacology in the dental hygiene board exams (NBDHE, NDHCE). StudentRDH has a fantastic pharmacology chapter that some students said “worked like magic.” But the only way we can memorize a large quantity of information is by creating those little tricks. Don’t be afraid to be silly and come up with weird things to help you remember concepts. I promise they will be so useful for the dental hygiene board exams (NBDHE, NDHCE).
If you have NOT taken the pharmacology class yet, this may not make sense to you. But please bookmark it so you can review it later! By the way, make a separate folder on your email system labeled “StudentRDH” and put all the StudentRDH Weekly Vitamins there!
Also if you have some cool tricks you can share with us, please email me at
National (NBDHE, NDHCE)+ Local Anesthesia + CSCE Dental Hygiene Boards Review by StudentRDH
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