Q: The recommended amoxicillin premedication dose for an adult patient is:
(A.) 300 mg
(B.) 500 mg
(C.) 600 mg
(D.) 2 g

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Keyword: adult
2 g of amoxicillin 1 hour prior to the dental appointment is the recommended premedication dose for an adult patient. Other drugs and doses for premedication are as follows:
- 600 mg clindamycin
- 500 mg azithromycin
- 500 mg clarithromycin
What is the pediatric dose for amoxicillin? It is 50 mg/kg (maximum 2 g) amoxicillin 1 hour prior to appointment. Do you see the image today? There are 2 pills, not 4, 5, 6, or any other number. I chose this image to help you memorize 2 g. I would like to point out just one detail. It is 2 ”g” not “mg.” The questions may give you answer choices such as 2mg, 2g, 2kg just to confuse you with the measurements. But amoxicillin is in “g,” and the rest is in “mg.”
Another memory trick
Remember “grams” (not milligrams), think “G” like “Grand,” the slang for 1000 (according to Urban Dictionary). 2 G’s = $2000. I know we are not talking about money in this review for the dental hygiene boards. But the most effective way to remember is to associate the information with something you already know. Let’s go one step further. What if each pill costs you $1000 (1 G’s)???? With two pills, you will have to pay $2000 (2 G’s). Obviously, that’s not the case, but again, this is just a memory trick. Wake up your brain and everything can turn into something fun to memorize!
Answer: (D.) 2 g
Premedications are extremely important to understand for the dental hygiene board exams (NBDHE, NDHCE, CSCE). We have just learned about the dosage for premedications, but which conditions require premedications? I get this question all the time from students because back in the days, antibiotics were prescribed a lot more commonly. But things have changed. I would like to leave it here for today. But you will see another post about conditions that require premedications. If you have signed up for StudentRDH dental hygiene review for the Nationals or CSCE, you can review it there today.
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